About Dr. Grunberger
About Dr. Grunberger

Dr. George Grunberger, received his B.A. (biochemistry) from Columbia College of Columbia University (New York City), M.D. from New York University School of Medicine (New York City), internal medicine training at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio and Endocrinology/Metabolism training in the Diabetes Branch at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland where he then stayed as senior investigator.
Between 1986 and 2002 he established and then directed the Comprehensive Diabetes Programs at both the Detroit Medical Center and Wayne State University School of Medicine. Early in his career, Dr. Grunberger saw the need for a comprehensive diabetes treatment facility where persons with diabetes could receive specialized care and address the many facets of their disease. Grunberger Diabetes & Endocrinology, formerly known as The Grunberger Diabetes Institute, established in 2002, is the result of his vision.
Grunberger Diabetes & Endocrinology (GDE) is unique in the Metro Detroit area for uniting a multidisciplinary approach to sophisticated diabetes and endocrine management and education with an offer to participate in the clinical diabetes research studies – all under one roof – with the same team of experienced professionals. We strive to be the best: to provide specialized medical treatment in a highly professional, intimate, and caring manner. Our focus is on keeping you, your family, and your referring physicians well-informed and satisfied.

Original Articles Co-Authored by Dr. Grunberger Over the Past 5 Years
- Effectiveness of V-Go for patients with type 2 diabetes in a real-world setting: A prospective observational study. Drugs – Real World Outcomes doi.org/10.1007/s40801-019-00173-8, 2019.